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By on October 7, 2009

Sexual Violence Prevention: Lessons from Social Marketing

I just returned from leading a full-day workshop, Developing Comprehensive Prevention Strategies using Social Marketing, for the Missouri Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence in Columbia, Missouri.

David Lee and the staff of the Missouri Coalition Against Sexual Assault
David Lee and the staff of the Missouri Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence

I was welcomed to “Mid Mo” by more than 80 participants from all over Missouri where I reflected upon the lessons I have learned from social marketing and how those lessons can inform stronger sexual violence prevention programming.

By drawing upon the tools of marketing, I have learned to ask a series of questions that help guide the planning and development of prevention work. The first questions I ask are:

  • Who are we trying to reach?  (Who is the primary audience? What do we know about them?)
  • What do we want our primary audience to do?  (What behavior do we expect them to adopt?)

After further consideration of the benefits, barriers and ease to adopt the new behavior, then it is the time to select or develop communication strategies and activities to achieve the specific  goal s for that particular audience.

For more information and notes from the training in Missouri, click here.

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