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By on November 23, 2010

“Don’t be that guy” rape prevention campaign

dont be that guy 1In Edmonton, Canada, a coalition of organizations called Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton has launched a new rape prevention campaign targeting potential perpetrators. Their website describes the thinking behind this campaign:

Typically, sexual assault awareness campaigns target potential victims by urging women to restrict their behavior. Research is telling us that targeting the behavior of victims is not only ineffective, but also contributes to how much they blame themselves after the assault. That’s why our campaign is targeting potential offenders – they are the ones responsible for the assault and responsible for stopping it. By addressing alcohol-facilitated sexual assault without victim-blaming, we intend to mark Edmonton on the map as a model for other cities.

What you you think about this campaign?

(Thanks to Feministing for alerting me to this campaign.)

4 responses to ““Don’t be that guy” rape prevention campaign”

  1. I like the intention to focus on perpetration. Is there a place to view more campaign materials? The negatives in this poster makes me wonder if the message could be reframed. Honestly, I can’t see past the fact that this woman needs desperately to be taken to the hospital – two bottles of wine and 2 bottles of something else. Holy hell.

    Seriously, though, what do YOU think?

  2. It’s targeting a very specific behavior — alcohol-facilitated sexual assault. I do see the argument that it’s treating all men as potential perpetrators and that could have a negative impact. But, it’s also working to address the norms.

    The discussion thread going on at Feministing is quite interesting. The notion of bystanders as chaperones or “designated watchers” vs. friends and acquaintances holding each other responsible and accountable. Seems like the former can very easily transform into victim blaming. I just hadn’t heard anyone describe bystanders as chaperones. I don’t quite agree that that is what they are or are encouraged to be…

  3. I like that this is a campaign that the entire city of Edmonton is committed to. Too often we see these types of messages and they are only targeted at specific populations (colleges and universities for example). While I feel that these types of campaigns should continue at targeted populations, we cannot overlook the universal populations.
    Good job, Edmonton… and good luck!

  4. i am curious if other materials in this campaign help to set the victim and offender in a social context of family, friends, co workers etc.
    for instance, another way to focus on folks that choose to rape, is to place them in a family photo, ask what they talk about at breakfast with their grandma, show them in their professional roles (future or current) as doctors or university administrators.

    and i wonder how on college campuses to hold the reality that sexual harassment and rape happen in these scenarios but also in scenarios where elder adults have positions of authority, administrators, faculty, security…

    great work to keep the conversation moving.


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