Mobilizing and Organizing Communities to End Child Sexual Abuse: Lessons Learned from the Just Beginnings Collaborative
Join us on this web conference as we engage in discussion on mobilizing and organizing communities to end child sexual abuse. Our presenters will share their experiences in incorporating indigenous traditions and values to end child sexual abuse in HUD federal housing communities, engaging parents and service providers to prevent child sexual abuse in farmworker communities, and promote holistic conversations about sex and sexuality. Learn from these presenters and their community-centered approaches for mobilizing and organizing to end child sexual abuse.
- Describe community mobilizing and organizing
- Apply key tenants of community mobilizing and organizing to social norms change
- Engage in discussion about how to incorporate community mobilizing and organizing into your own child sexual abuse prevention work
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA
- Web Conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Text Chat transcript [PDF]
- Web Conference summary Overview of Just Beginnings Collaborative & PreventConnect Web Conference Series [PDF]
- Eb. Brown, Just Beginnings Collaborative
- Ignacio Rivera, The HEAL Project
- Strong Oak Lefebvre, Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition
- Suguet Lopez, Lideres Campesinas

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