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Cultivating Community Leadership & Power Within Ecosystems for Safety Session 2

This web conference was open to CDC RPE and DELTA Impact recipients and sub recipients. 

Dedicated partnerships and meaningful community involvement are the backbone of long-term, sustainable upstream strategies. Transforming community conditions to prevent sexual and domestic violence requires the buy-in and expertise of stakeholders across an ecosystem of organizations, partners, and power structures. Public health and violence prevention practitioners are increasingly recognizing the critical role that community leadership and power-sharing play in creating equitable outcomes.  In this two-part series, we will learn about community leadership and power-sharing and hear from presenters whose work relates to aspects of community leadership and power-sharing within an ecosystem approach. Prevention Institute will provide framing and facilitate reflection and discussion. 

Session 1 materials can be found here. 

Session 2 featured the California Department of Public Health and strategies and approaches they have found to be effective in centering local community leadership in primary prevention efforts. 


PowerPoint Slides [PJanuary 26 2023 CDPH PreventConnect slides.pptxDF]

Text Chat [Coming soon]






Enrica Bertoldo
Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) Program Coordinator
California Department of Public Health





Elena Costa

Program Coordinator, California Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative
California Department of Public Health





Mina White, MPH
Research Scientist, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (IVPB)
California Department of Public Health