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  • Web Conferences

    Institutionalizing LGBTQIA+ Justice in Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention: Creating Opportunities through a Statewide Action Plan

    Creating safe and supportive environments for LGBTQIA+ communities is an integral part of sexual and intimate partner violence prevention and Health Equity. According to the Centers for Disease Control, LGBTQIA+ youth experience higher rates of sexual and dating violence than their cisgender and heterosexual peers. Additionally, homophobic bullying at a young age has been linked to sexual and intimate partner violence prevention at a later age.  As communities grapple with record-setting anti-trans and anti-queer sentiments, policies, and practices across the across the country, the stakes have never been higher for advocates and preventionists to create protective environments for LGBTQIA+ people. …

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  • Podcasts

    Healing in Prevention: What Connects Us Guides Us

    Listen on Spreaker: Listen to “Healing in Prevention: What Connects Us Guides Us” on Spreaker. The field of prevention has grown so much in recent years, from scraping by doing education and awareness in our free time to fighting for dedicated funding and space to focus on solutions, beyond just advocacy.  Today sexual and intimate partner violence prevention programs are so distinguished from advocacy and intervention, prevention is its own field and movement. As prevention continues to grow and occupy its own space, a growing number of preventionists and advocates have started to ask at what point does our separation …

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