Amy Jensen, Program Coordinator at UCASA

| (7 min) This is an interview with Amy Jensen, Program Coordinator at the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. It was recorded on April 15, 2009 at Men Can Stop Rape's Men and Women as Allies National Conference on the Primary Prevention of Men’s Violence Against Women. In this interview, Ms. Jensen talks about the important role that women have in creating a new culture of prevention for girls and young women that is not based solely on risk reduction. |
Men Can Stop Rape, Inc. (MCSR) is an international organization that mobilizes men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. MCSR provides agencies, schools, and organizations with direct services for youth, public service messaging, and leadership training. MCSR's Men and Women as Allies National Conference on the Primary Prevention of Men’s Violence Against Women was held on April 14th and 15th, 2009 in Washington, DC. To learn more about the events at this conference, visit the conference website at |
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