Community organizing prevents sexual violence
I am exciting about the workshops at the National Sexual Assault Conference next week in Los Angeles, especially the prevention sessions. Van Lan Truong from Close to Home will lead a workshop titled on “Introducing Vietnamese Community Organizing Work to Prevent Domestic and Sexual Violence Using Community Asset-Based and Close to Home’s model.” (She is also co-leading as session on Participatory Assessment: Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault with Allison Berry.)
This session is exciting because she will share her experiences to develop a prevention activities within the Vietnamese community using the values, language and resources of the community to make change. The lesson learned apply not only to the Vietnamese community, but to anyone working to develop a culturally specific prevention effort.
Check out the digital story (link above) from a young man involved to prevent violence in the Vietnamese community.
I look forward to seeing you at the National Conference.
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