Anti-Street Harassment Week is coming! Here’s how you can get involved…
CALCASA is joining multiple national, state, and local partners to celebrate Anti-Street Harassment week this March 18-24.

We appreciate the hard work of “Meet Us On the Street” and the core team of activists lead by Holly Kearl. Here’s what they have to say about street harassment and the goal of this awareness building and action week:
What’s the Problem?
Catcalls, sexist comments, public masturbation, groping, stalking, and assault: gender-based street harassment makes public places unfriendly and even scary for many girls, women, and LGBQT folks.
What Will Happen?
Meet Us On the Street: International Anti-Street Harassment Week is an opportunity to collectively raise awareness that street harassment happens and that it’s not okay.
There are 6 options for how people can participate.
We hope you will sign up and get involved!
Why a Week?
Amazing activists and ordinary individuals around the world work hard year-round to make public places safer…but there is strength in numbers. During the third week of March, everyone will join forces to collectively raise awareness that street harassment is a global problem and work toward solutions. March 24 will be the biggest day of activism.
What Happened to International Anti-Street Harassment Day?
On March 20, 2011, after only a month of planning, more than 2,000 people from at least 13 countries participated in International Anti-Street Harassment Day. Read an article by founder Holly Kearl about how it went. Due to feedback from participants, in 2012, the day of activism will be expanded to run a full week.
Why Hold it in March?
The third week of March is the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. While street harassment occurs year-round, spring is a time when there is an increase in the harassment because of the increased daylight hours and warmer weather that brings people outside. Street harassment is often seen as an inevitable part of the change in seasons, but it shouldn’t be. Spring is no excuse for street harassment.
How can you get involved?
****1. Post Your Action: Please provide information about anything you are doing that is open to the public/allows for public participation (on or offline). We want people to be able to find your events!! ****If there are just 2-3 of you and you’re not sure what to do, even posting fliers, handing them out, or writing sidewalk chalk messages will make a difference and reach people…plus, if you list the action, as more people find out about the week, they can find your event and join your numbers.
2. Tell Holly and the Organizers What You’re Doing: The team is listing one-sentence synopses about what is going on around the world – both things organized on and off-line, by a group or an individuals. Please email them 1-2 sentences about what you will do (and thanks to groups who already have done this) — if you submit a report via #1 above, you do not have to do this.
3. Send Media Coverage: If you receive media coverage or write something online, please send it to the event organizers and I will add it to our Media page.
4. Twitter – Save the Date: One of the co-sponsors is the Women’s Media Center and they will make their weekly #SheParty twitter chat about street harassment on Wed, March 21, 3 p.m. EDT. If you’re on twitter, please participate.
5. YouTube Videos: Several people have created 1-2 minute videos about what they’re doing for anti-street harassment week and why they’re involved. Please share and let me know if you want to create one and I will send you the log-in information.
6. Logos, Fliers: There are logos in 13 languages and i’m working to post fliers in a few languages ASAP. Right now they are available in English, French, German, and Hindi. Feel free to post them online and use them in any print publications you produce and pass out or post the fliers.
Check back with CALCASA throughout Anti-Street Harassment Week to learn more about ways to end street harassment in your community.
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