Voices for prevention from ATSA’s 2011 Conference
Video: Examples of ATSA members’ prevention work
Over the several years I have been a member of the Prevention Committee of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) where I appreciate learning about the contributions to prevention from those who work in the treatment of sexual abusers.
At ATSA’s 30th Annual Research and Treatment Conference held in Toronto November 2011, several ATSA members shared about their work in prevention.
ATSA is dedicated to preventing sexual abuse before an offense is ever perpetrated. Although the majority of ATSA’s prevention work has focused on research, treatment and management of those individuals who have already abused, many ATSA members are also active in primary prevention activities. I applaud ATSA’s commitment to advance primary prevention. As we learned in previous PreventConnect podcasts, ATSA along with survivors and advocates provide a perspective that helps us fully understand prevention strategies.
Also, check out this slideshow about prevention that was shown at the ATSA conference in Toronto.
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