By Imelda Buncab on March 14, 2014
Oregon Sex Offender Management: A prevention approach

For the past few years, Oregon’s offender management and prevention communities have embarked on a unique and powerful project to support cross collaboration and communication to further its prevention goals. In this podcast, the leaders of the conversation join together to discuss the project’s history, purpose, and successes. Guests include:
- Nancy Greenman, Prevention Program Coordinator, Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual AssaultTask F
orce (ORSATF) - Elena Balduzzi, Clinical Psychologist & ORSATF Offender Management Subcommittee Co-Chair
- Garry Russell, Captain at Oregon Department of Corrections & ORSATF Offender Management Subcommittee Co-Chair
- Megan Kovacs, Education Coordinator at Raphael House of Portland & ORSATF Prevention and Education Subcommittee Co-Chair
- Warren Light, Director of University of Oregon Wesley Center & ORSATF Prevention and Education Subcommittee Co-Chair
Guests also discuss the Oregon Sexual Violence Prevention Roadmap, a unique plan and visual for sexual violence prevention in Oregon.
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