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Addressing Gender Inequality: Opportunities to empower and support girls

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
STOP SV technical package includes providing opportunities to empower and support girls and women as a strategy to prevent sexual violence. Previous PreventConnect web conferences have explored strengthening economic supports for women and families as one approach to putting this strategy into practice. According to the CDC, programs that produce confidence, knowledge, and leadership skills in young women, can lead to positive outcomes in multiple areas including education, employment, and community engagement. Influencing girls’ education, employment, and community engagement success can decrease certain risk factors associated with sexual violence victimization.

This web conference will feature guests from two programs that engage girls and young women in activities to build confidence, knowledge, and leadership skills in their communities. Powerful Voices is a Seattle, Washington based program that “creates brave spaces with girls of color to take charge of their own power as leaders, igniting their abilities to confidently express themselves, build community, and act against injustices affecting their lives.” Girls on the Run of Greater Alaska is “dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.” Join PreventConnect, Powerful Voices, and Girls on the Run of Greater Alaska for a conversation about the power and impact of supporting girls to be the leaders of today and beyond.


  • Describe the connections between strengthening leadership and opportunities for girls and preventing sexual violence victimization
  • Identify the key elements (the what, the how, and the who) of Powerful Voices and Girls On the Run
  • Engage in a discussion about social justice and violence prevention approaches to strengthen leadership and opportunities for girls

HOSTS/FACILITATORS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA


  • Web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
  • Text Chat Transcript [PDF]


  • Jordan Faralan, Communications + Community Engagement Manager, Powerful Voices
  • Britta Tonnessen, Community Services Manager, AWARE AK
  • Natalie Watson, Girls on the Run Statewide Coordinator, AWARE AK
Photo of Jordan Faralan
Jordan Faralan
Photo of Britta Tonnessen running with a girl
Britta Tonnessen
Photo of Natalie Watson holding a sign that says "Lets tell her she can be whoever she wants to be"
Natalie Watson

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