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Walking the Walk: Connecting Social Justice Values to Your Organization’s Work

We know that violence and oppression are connected, but sometimes we struggle knowing how to do social justice work in the context of sexual violence prevention. Through examples, this workshop will illustrate what it looks like to connect sexual violence prevention to social justice in practice, both internally and extern
This session is part of the Prevention track at the 2021 National Sexual Assault Conference sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The workshops offered in the Prevention track support prevention practitioners and advocates in examining, evaluating, and implementing processes to advance equity within and through our organizations.
  • Explore how two sexual assault coalitions are taking steps internally, with partners, and more broadly statewide to challenge oppressive systems.
  • Increase knowledge about necessary steps to take as an organization to more fully integrate anti-oppressive practices within their agency and programming.
  • Discuss how agencies dedicated to ending sexual violence can (and must) take bold and meaningful action against other forms of injustice.
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