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WeGovern in practice: Claiming governance in our communities

When WeGovern, we build a world where all beings can thrive.
WeGovern is a foundational set of agreements to guide how we make decisions that impact all of us. WeGovern is a bold re-imagining and claiming of governance, inspired by a rich history of Indigenous practices rooted in care for land, natural resources, community, and collective well-being. In this session hosted by Resonance Network and PreventConnect, participants will engage with the WeGovern principles in relationship to our own lives, families, and communities and hear stories from people practicing liberatory governance in theirs. 


  • Describe how a commitment to the WeGovern agreements can transform governance, and shape a world beyond violence
  • Identify where you are already in practice  with liberatory governance in your own lives, families, and communities
  • Discuss opportunities to build a world where all beings can thrive, drawing on inspirations from storytellers and ourselves for re-imagining and claiming governance for a world beyond violence

HOST: David S. Lee, PreventConnect and ValorUS

FACILITATOR: Alexis Flanagan, Resonance Network


  • Web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
  • Links & Resources from the web conference [PDF]
  • Text chat transcript [PDF]


Karen Tronsgard-Scott
Karen Tronsgard-Scott
Jonathan Paik (JP)
Jonathan Paik (JP)

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