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By on November 13, 2023

National Sexual Assault Conference 2023: Researcher-Practitioner-Educator-Youth Partnerships to Prevent Sexual Violence

The 2023 National Sexual Assault Conference® was held in San Francisco, California, August 22-24. The conference theme, Equity in Action, called for conference participants to fearlessly pursue a world free from sexual violence and address change across systems and institutions. This session was part of the Prevention track, sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center with funding from the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. Learn more and access session materials here.

The purpose of this workshop is to share findings as well as challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned from CBPAR on SRV prevention among diverse populations (e.g., youth of color, LGBTQ+ youth) and diverse prevention spaces (e.g., schools, community, online). Speakers highlight the importance of prevention that is comprehensive, engages multiple stakeholders, empowers youth as co-leaders, and uses a health equity lens and anti-oppressive frameworks. Speakers: Katie Edwards, Nia Clark, Stephanie Olson, Robin Koshelev, Linda Shroll, Ramona Herrington