Diane Hall (10 min) Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention is a new 60-minute, interactive online training designed to …
PreventConnect podcasts highlight prevention themes, new research, and the voices of practitioners who have been successful in implementation, and thoughtful in the development of effective sexual assault and domestic violence prevention strategies.
- January 29, 2010Diane Hall, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- January 13, 2010Kelly Miller and Laura Hampikian, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence
(13 min) Start Strong Idaho: Building Healthy Teen Relationships is an initiative in southwest Idaho to promote healthy teen relationships and …
- January 1, 2010The Use and Misuse of Data on Rape
Jody Raphael (23 min) PreventConnect's David Lee interviews Jody Raphael of the DePaul University College of Law, and Dr. TK …
- December 18, 2009Lindsay Palmer, Director of Education and Prevention for KSARC
Lindsay Palmer (18 min) This interview with Lindsay Palmer, Director of Education and Prevention for the King County Sexual Assault …
- December 11, 2009Adolescent Dating Violence: Development of a Theoretical Framework
Donna Martsolf (19 min) This is an interview with Dr. Donna S. Martsolf and Dr. Claire Burke Draucker of the …