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By on February 23, 2010

Prevent Connect 2010 web conference schedule announced

As the national online community dedicated to advancing primary prevention of sexual violence and intimate partner violence, Prevent Connect hosts a series of popular web conferences. These web conferences are lively discussions where participants engage with guests to explore a wide range of prevention topics.

The theme for the web conferences in 2010 will be Changing Norms to Prevent Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence. Prevent Connect’s key partner Prevention Institute will lead the web conferences to explore specific strategies to change the norms that contribute to sexual violence, intimate partner violence and teen dating violence.

Each web conference will explore one of the five norms identified by Prevention Institute as contributing to violence against women. Below is an interview with Annie Lyles and Christine Chang of Prevention Institute describing what these web conferences will explore.

The dates and topics are:

  • “Violence is Everywhere”: Countering a culture of violence through norms change (March 9; repeated March 16, 2010)
  • Growing Boys into Men: Countering traditional masculinity through norms change (May 26; repeated May 27, 2010)
  • From Girls to Women: Countering limited roles for women through norms change (July 29; repeated August 5, 2010)
  • Under Control: Countering the value placed on power and control through norms change (August 26, 2010; repeated September 8, 2010)
  • My Business: Countering secrecy and privacy around violence through norms change (September 28; repeated September 29, 2010)

This series of web conferences builds on a foundation of understanding primary prevention examined in previous web conferences.  For a concise summary of these concepts, I recommend you watch these two eLearning units before attending once of the web conferences.

All web conferences are held at 11 AM Pacific Time (2 PM Eastern Time; 1 PM Central Time, Noon Mountain Time)  All web conferences are available at no cost.  All you need is a phone line, internet connection and a computer.

Check out Prevent Connect’s website to see when registration is open. The first web conference’s registration opens on February 23, 2010. These sessions tend to fill up quickly so make sure you are registered to receive notice. (Click here to sign up for the mailing list.)

Looking for Potential Guests: Prevent Connect is looking for sexual violence, intimate partner violence and dating violence practitioners who are engaged in promising practices to change norms.  If you know of a program that might be highlighted for one of the web conferences please contact Prevent Connect.

See you online.

Prevent Connect is a national program of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault and supported with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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