Telling truths about masculinity through the Men’s Story Project

The Men’s Story Project is a public performance and community dialogue project that explores social ideas about masculinity and manhood, employing the arts for community-strengthening and social change. It highlights men’s stories that are less often heard; breaks silences on issues including sexism, racism, heterosexism, ableism and violence – and ways in which these are often intertwined with masculinities; celebrates men’s beauty and humanness; and stimulates active dialogue on what contemporary masculinities can be all about. Learn more about the project from Dr. Josie Lehrer, Founder/Director.
I would like to know how can we bring this to our community? Is there a charge? How can we get the men in our community engaged in this discussion?
Hi Ruby — Thank you for your inquiry!
Below are some programs that the Men’s Story Project offers for campuses, nonprofits, health departments and independent groups, and additional options are always possible. Fees are negotiable/sliding scale.
1) Film screening/dialogue event. Presentation of Men’s Story Project film content and background, and facilitation of an interactive dialogue on masculinities and health. We use selected film clips from our live MSP events as stimulus for discussion, and I can target the film clips to issues of particular interest to your group – e.g., men’s violence against women, healthy masculinities, homophobia, etc.
2) Day-long workshop on gender, health and social justice. This is a full-day, experiential workshop that helps participants understand links between gender socialization and challenges such as gender-based violence, bullying, substance abuse and homophobia, using MSP film clips as stimulus for discussion. I would be glad to talk with you about what this workshop has included in the past, and structure something to address the needs of your group.
3) Step-by-step training workshop on how to create successful Men’s Story Project initiatives with new local groups of men – at universities, and through nonprofits, health departments, etc. Half-day and full-day options.
Also, our first film along with public screening rights is available at
Thank you again for reaching out!
Best wishes,
Josie Lehrer
(415) 217-9875