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By on May 29, 2019

2018 National Sexual Assault Conference: How to Build Partnerships, Adapt Content, & Use Other Strategies for Prevention Training on Campus

The 2018 National Sexual Assault Conference, “Bold Moves: Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation,” was held in Anaheim, CA, August 29-31 2018. This workshop was part of the Prevention track, co-sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Learn more and access workshop materials here.

Kiana Swearington and Melissa Tumas of the University of Washington guide workshop participants through a framework for relationship-centered partnership building on campuses to advance sexual violence prevention. Kiana and Melissa emphasize the need to meet micro-communities where they are at, ask what their needs and wants for sexual violence prevention are, examine how power impacts prevention, and work together to create safe, empowering, and specific programming to enhance and compliment universal university violence prevention programming for students, staff, and faculty. This work requires approaches and partnerships not from a programmatic lens, but from a relationship-building lens to sustain efforts over time. Adapting content to fit community needs mirrors the Nine Principles of Effective Prevention.

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