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A Program of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

August 2008

In this issue of the Prevention Connection Newsletter:

Reading Club: "Sexual Bullying: Addressing the Gap Between Bullying and Dating"

People involved in prevention work rarely have an opportunity to discuss the impact of emerging research on their work. Prevention Connection Reading Clubs provide a way for people to meet online and have these discussions. These are small meetings (usually less than 20 people) scheduled to last an hour. Though they are hosted by Prevention Connection staff, they are not presentations. Reading Club meetings happen over an open phone line, with Prevention Connection's web interface used as a common way to view the reading and other materials.

Tthe next Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 13th and Wednesday, August 20th, both at 11 AM Pacific Time (3 PM Eastern).

Both of these Club meetings will discuss the article "Sexual Bullying: Addressing the Gap Between Bullying and Dating Violence" by Nina Fredland, Ph.D., RN. The intent of the session is to discuss both the contents of the article and the topic of sexual bullying in general.

Click here to learn more and to register for one of these upcoming Club sessions.

Fredland, N. M. (2008). Sexual Bullying: Addressing the Gap Between Bullying and Dating Violence. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(2), 95-105.

Interview Presentation: "Exciting Trends in Prevention: Interviews from the National Sexual Assault Conference"

Prevention Connection Online Presentations are tutorials on topics related to the prevention of violence against women. These short narrated animations can be shared with others for training, presentations, and fundraising.

Instead of a training topic, our newest Online Presentation is based on two interviews that were given at the National Sexual Assault Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, on September 13, 2007. This first interview is with Dr. Alan Berkowitz, and the second interview is with Neil Irvin, Dr. Pat McGann, William H. and DeAndre T. from Men Can Stop Rape.

Click here to play this Online Presentation from our website.

Conference Screen Recordings Available

"Screen Recordings" capture both the audio and visual elements of our Prevention Connection web conferences, including text captioning in most conferences. To date we have posted fifteen recordings, which can all be accessed online at:

Prevention Connection is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault and is sponsored by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views and information provided in our web conferences do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC, or CALCASA.