Working with the media to end child sexual abuse

This web conference was the second in a series of nine web conferences on Ending Child Sexual Abuse. This is a collaboration between PreventConnect and Ms. Foundation for Women. Please see the materials and recordings from the previous web conference “Including Efforts to End Child Sexual Abuse within the Sexual Violence Prevention Movement.”
The second web conference on June 7, 2012, was titled “Working with the Media to End Child Sexual Abuse.” Media plays a powerful role in the public and policy leaders understanding of the problem and of potential solutions. Studies related to the coverage of child sexual abuse and its prevention from both Berkley Media Studies Group and Frameworks Institute were discussed along with the implications for prevention strategies. This session is a must see for anyone who is frustrated with the way the media portrays child sexual abuse and wants to know how we can do this differently.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Sponsor: Ms. Foundation for Women
Hosts: Joan Tabachnick and Cordelia Anderson
- Pamela Mejia, M.S., M.P.H., Research Associate, Berkeley Media Studies Group
- Moira O’Neil, Ph.D., Senior Researcher and Manager, Frameworks Institute
- Slides [PDF]
- Breaking News on Child Sexual Abuse (from Berkeley Media Studies Group)
- Case by case: News coverage of child sexual abuse (from Berkeley Media Studies Group)
- American Perceptions of Sexual Violence: A FrameWorks Research Report
- Chat [PDF]
- Summary of entire 2012 Web Conference Series
- Recording [Click here to view]
Learning Objectives:
- Describe how the media affects perceptions of the problem and solutions.
- Describe key points of research on media from BMSG & Frameworks.
- Identify three actions organizations can take to integrate strategies identified.
Looking forward to learning
I am looking forward to this conference. How do we access the supporting materials prior to our start time?
This was a great conference! I am looking forward to the next one!
I did not attend the conference, but thanks to a friend of mine, I got your website tonight and I’ve had a chance to peruse the slides, articles and resources on the website. Thank you for devoting your time to addressing this very challenging epidemic in our society. I’d like to point out an effective prevention training called “Stewards of Children” created by Darkness to Light. Website is:
It is a 2.5 hour program that features a video portion with interviews with survivors, experts in the field and concerned parents. The training also features a workbook and a discussion time. It’s an excellent training that provides concrete, specific strategies to ALL adults on what we can do to better protect our children and the children around us. Part of the training is teaching children about their bodies, sexual development and reinforcing their physical boundaries, as well as learning to be conscience of the way in which perpetrators groom and try to gain trust, as well as teaching adults to limit 1 adult, 1 child situations when possible. These are just a few of the prevention strategies that are discussed in the training. Participants walk away from this training with more awareness of the problem, an understanding of the devastating effects that child sexual abuse has on both the child and society as a whole, as well as practical prevention solutions that can be used immediately! You can take the training online or find a facilitator in your area. There are several of us in NY and you can locate the nearest one by going to the website and finding the area “D2L near you.” As a Social Worker who works part time in the field, and full-time as a mom, I am committed to talk about the risks and facts as well as prevention strategies with most people that I meet… it’s that important to me, the children around me and our society at large.
The link to the recording doesn’t seem to work…it leads to a page that says “The item is unavailable”. My coworker recommended I check these out as I am new to the field…should I be doing something differently? (The recording for the first session worked, but this one and all the sessions after say they are unavailable)
The recording link has been fixed, please try it again.
Great, thank you!
I can’t seem to get this recording to work. Are you sure it is fixed? Thanks.
There seems to be a problem with the recording source files – we will see if there is a way to fix them.
We seem to have identified the problem with the domain that was causing the buffering problem. Please try the recording again.